Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Great Advantage with remote: true

usage of remote: true in rails

When we are running our rails application URL will be changed based on the page request.

/users             ------->  index
/users/[id]/edit------->  edit
/users/new      -------> new

Instead of changing address in the url we can make a simple ajax call by using
:remote=> true

Working with :remote=>true:

1. Include :remote=>true in all links of index page.

Here i am showing remote: true with New User link of index page

Ex: <%= link_to 'New User', new_user_path, :remote => true %>

#it will make a ajax call

Equivalent html Code :

<a data-remote=true href="/users/new">New User</a>

2.  Create a div tag with id in index page, in order to place your ajax response.

Ex: <div id="content"></div>

3. As an Ajax request, looking for JavaScript. In order to serve that request, the new  action of our controller would look like this:

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
def new
    @user = User.new
    respond_to do |format|

in rails4----    respond_to :js

4. Notice the format.js in the respond_to block; that allows the controller to respond to your Ajax request. You then have a corresponding app/views/users/new.js.erb view file that generates the actual JavaScript code that will be sent and executed on the client side.
# app/views/users/new.js.erb
$('#content').html("<%= escape_javascript render 'ajaxform' %>")

5. The app/views/users/_ajaxform.html.erb partial contains the code for new form(i.e, _form.html.erb)
We can use directly form insted of ajaxform i.e,
$('#content').html("<%= escape_javascript render 'form' %>")

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